Cable assembly

Cable assembly is the production of ready-to-connect and ready-to-install cables, cable bundles and complete cable harnesses, fitted with connectors and contacts. Various connector solutions can be used in processing. Both crimping technology and soldering technology are widely used.

The cable harnesses or connection cables are designed and processed as finished segments according to customer specifications and application parameters. Processing requires a high level of concentration on the part of the operators and maximum precision in planning and execution.

Cable products on a new level

We have expanded our portfolio and purchased a new automatic cable processing machine. This machine gives us the great advantage of being able to cut and strip cables with double insulation.

Processing options:

Coaxial processing, winding, cutting, cutting to length, jacket stripping, stacking, stripping and much more


Coaxial cable, Teflon®, triaxial cable, hose, flat cable, flat cable material, ribbon cable Multi-conductor / multi-core cable, …

More about cable assembly:

Testing and checking

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