Soldering technology

Lead-free soldering to protect the environment

Vapor phase soldering system

The gentlest soldering process for the components is vapor phase soldering, as this process subjects the components to the lowest temperature stress compared to other soldering processes. Another advantage of this soldering process is the uniform heating and profiling of high-mass and small components.
The soldering process is carried out in an oxygen-free vapour phase, which means that optimum solder joints can be achieved with particularly gentle flux. The process is used at Gigler Elektronik for leaded and lead-free soldering.

Reflow soldering

In reflow soldering, the PCB is transported inline into a nitrogen reflow soldering oven. The PCB is preheated with various heating zones and soldered in the peak zone. The soldering profiles are computer-controlled and monitored.
The nitrogen for the soldering process is generated in the in-house air separation plant. This allows the residual oxygen content of the assembly to be adjusted.

Selective soldering

More and more assemblies consist of a high proportion of SMD components and a small amount of THT components. Gigler Elektronik offers alternative soldering processes with selective soldering (leaded/lead-free) as well as solderless press-fit technology.

Wave soldering

In wave soldering, a flux is applied to the circuit board using a spray fluxer in a selective spraying process. The circuit board is placed in a soldering frame which transports the assembly through the soldering system. The assembly is preheated in the preheating station and the flux is activated. The soldering unit consists of a soldering pot with hot solder, which is applied to the soldering point using a soldering pump. The assembly is then cooled down and is ready for final testing.
Gigler Elektronik offers leaded and lead-free soldering systems for your products.

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